Equity Framework Progress on County Initiatives Featured Resource: Knowing Your Rights as an Immigrant

Call for Digital Version of Art: Cultivating Belonging and Shared Humanity Art Contest

Art Contest Landscape Banner

The Office of Racial and Social Justice and the Office of Arts and Culture are seeking submissions for artwork in digital format to use on the Office of Racial and Social Justice projects. Artists are encouraged to submit images of original painting, photography, sculpture, digital illustration, textiles and mixed media.

Be sure to review the rules at the link below. Send all submissions no later than  March 11, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. (PST). Artists whose work has been selected will receive $500.

Apply or Learn More

Office of Racial and Social Justice

The County of San Mateo Office of Racial and Social Justice is responsible for supporting the County government to bring an equity lens into operations, supporting the goal of the ordinance, utilizing equity frameworks and various tools (e.g., equity action plans and equity impact assessments) when warranted.

This office was created through the action of the Board of Supervisors in the 2021 resolution to Advance Racial Equity Efforts and the 2024 Equity Ordinance

orsj logo

Vision for Equity in San Mateo County

All San Mateo County residents must experience just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. The County of San Mateo recognizes historical and current structural policies and practices that continue to harm people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, and those with disabilities.  Learn more »

News Highlights Two workers passing a stack of small boxes Supervisors Give Local Preference in Bids for Certain Goods and Services ARPA Recognition San Mateo County Recognized as a Leader in Equitable ARPA Spending Two people gathered at a table to work collaboratively Final Supplier Diversity Study Now Available! State Capitol Building Fireside Chat on Advancing Equity in Local Government SMC-BoardofSupervisors Supervisors Approve Racial and Social Equity Ordinance, Vote to Make Concrete Changes From Within Picture of workers at a construction site San Mateo County Supervisors Move to Create Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement
Equity Through Art Meet the Team

Stay in Touch

Email: equitysmc@smcgov.org 
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@smcequity 
Equity Updates: Read the latest Office of Racial and Social Justice news by joining our email list! We send a community bulletin newsletter six times per year with occasional announcements in between.

Have you missed a recent bulletin? See the newsletter archive here. 

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