When you bring firewood from outside the park to your campsite, you may also be transporting invasive pests or diseases that can harm the park you’re visiting. Pests such as the Shot Hole Borer and Gold Spotted Oak Borer, as well as Sudden Oak Death, are spreading in forests throughout neighboring counties and states.
Tree-killing invasive insects and diseases can be inside and on the surface of firewood. These insects and diseases don’t travel far on their own, but transporting firewood allows them to move hundreds of miles and start infestation in new locations.
Keeping firewood local keep pests and diseases local and prevents spread. Be sure you’re doing your part to protect our forests:
- Purchase wood at Memorial County Park where firewood providers are local
- Check the source of your firewood at https://firewoodscout.org
- Look for bundled, USDA certified heat-treated firewood at https://www.dontmovefirewood.org/how-to-help/firewood-finder