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This segment of the California Coastal Trail can be accessed near the intersection of California Ave and North Lake St., as it crosses the San Vicente creek and continues past the junction with the Bluff trail. The Dardenelle trail offers park visitors including hikers, joggers, bicyclists, and equestrians an enjoyable connection between California Street and Cypress Street. The trail leads under the shelter of the Cypress grove and travels briefly along a small riparian habitat at a fairly level grade. The trail continues past the riparian habitat where it follows along the shelter of many Monterey Cypress and Eucalyptus that line the trail providing good habitat for migrating birds. Townsend Warblers and Pygmy Nuthatches can often be seen and heard in the winter months. The trail ends as it meets with the perpendicular running Cypress Ave alongside the quiet Moss Beach neighborhood. Farther south along the coast the California Coastal Trail connects to Pillar Point Bluff.

Trail Information
Park: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Open to: Accessible, Bicycling, Dogs Allowed On Leash, Equestrian, Hiking


Paved, Soil


0.30 miles



Elevation Change: 

73 ft.
