Please note: The trails section of the Huddart Park website is currently being updated to reflect changes made to the park trail system. Some of the maps and information below may be incorrect. See our current map or brochure for better information.
Richards Road Trail is actually a fire road on the northern edge of Huddart Park. If a hiker begins at the bottom in the meadow area and hikes for 0.5 miles it is an easy hike and very good area to see some of the wildlife in the park such as a black tailed deer, coyote and banana slug. This first section of trail runs along the West Union Creek. After the first 0.5 mile of the trail it becomes steep (more than a 10% grade). The trail surface is clay and very slippery in the winter. The trees you will see on this trail will be second generation redwood trees, Douglas firs and madrone trees.
Open to: Equestrian, Hiking
Elevation Change: